Producer of the upcoming film Daaku Maharaaj, Naga Vamsi recently talked to the press about the details of the film. While praising the film, he went to the extent of likening the film to bigger than previous blockbuster films of Balakrishna. He also said that he felt Daaku Maharaaj to be better than Waltair Veerayya. These comments are really an unnecessary weight for the him and the film as well.
Naga Vamsi said that he wants to take Daaku Maharaaj to the heights of recent blockbusters Jailer and Vikram. But one couldn’t understand why the Producer was so appreciative of the film suddenly. And more over, these films were blockbuster which also had great content. Daaku Maharaaaj on the other hand doesn’t appear to be containing that level of content. So if negative response was generated, the film has to lose big.
Being confident about one’s film is good but it shouldn’t go overboard. Such over confident remarks of various producers before the release of their film resulted in massive trolling after the film achieving a negative response. So, let’s see how Daaku Maharaaj goes on 12th January next year.