Daaku Maharaaj has collected around 73 crores share worldwide in its 1st week. It is also the biggest earner for Balakrishna. The theatrical rights of the film are valued at 80 crores and 90% of the recovery is completed in the 1st week itself which is a good sign. Today being a Sunday would post good numbers for the film.
The film is expected to go over 100 crores share at the release time. But with the sensational and unanimous performance of other film, Sankranthiki Vasthunam, the possibility of Daaku Maharaaj reaching the 100 crore share mark looks tough. It will obviously emerge as a career biggest for Balakrishna.
The full run share is estimated to be end around 85 crores share which is also a good run. The team of the film is also thrilled with the performance and are celebrating the fine run of the film.