The Telangana police have intensified their surveillance on social media platforms after the arrest of actor Allu Arjun in connection with the Sandhya Theatre stampede case. In response to several complaints, including those from Congress leaders, criminal cases have been registered against fans of the actor who posted offensive content targeting Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy.
Authorities have taken swift action, registering four cases under Section 67 of the IT Act and Sections 352 and 353(1)(b) of the Indian Penal Code. The complaints allege that the posts, which included abusive language and derogatory remarks, were aimed at the CM and other Congress leaders. Investigations are underway to trace and identify the individuals behind these accounts.
One of the complaints, filed by Amberpet resident Mamidala Raj Kiran, highlighted a specific social media post featuring a clip from Allu Arjun’s film Race Gurram. The post included an offensive tagline targeting the Chief Minister, which Raj Kiran claimed could disrupt public peace. He urged the authorities to take immediate action against such inflammatory content.
The city police emphasized their commitment to addressing the issue, stating that such posts could potentially incite unrest. With cases already registered, the authorities are determined to hold individuals accountable for spreading objectionable material online.
This incident underscores the growing responsibility of social media users to exercise caution and avoid sharing content that could lead to legal consequences or public disorder.