Karthik Varma Dandu, the young and talented director who scored a blockbuster with his recent film Virupaksha has received a costly Benz car as a gift from the makers of the film. Karthik’s first film as a director was ‘Bham Bolenath. Karthik was able to impress both the audience and the critics with his intriguing and gripping screenplay in Virupaksha. The movie, which revolves around horror and witchery, was released pan-India and collected a gross of Rs.100 crores.
In recognition of Karthik’s talent and hard work, the producers of Virupaksha surprised him with a costly gift, a luxury Benz car. The director proudly shared photos of him receiving the car keys from Sai Dharam Tej’s hands, together with a snapshot of himself and the maverick director Sukumar. The gifted car is a C class model, with a road price in India ranging from Rs.65-70 lakhs.
The film features a huge ensemble of cast, such as Sai Dharam Tej, Samyuktha Menon, Rajeev Kanakala, Sai Chand, Suneel, Ajay, Soniya and others in the key roles. Karthik Dandu was perfectly made a mystical thriller without deviating from the main topic. His unique approach received a tremendous response from the audiences and made the film a massive success at the box office.
Virupaksha movie’s story is set in the mystic village Rudravanam where Surya comes with his mother to meet his family. He falls in love with Nandini. Love starts to blossom between them, but suddenly the village people get killed one by one in suspicious circumstances. Surya starts chasing the mystery behind the mysterious deaths of the village. How does he get to solve this mystery is what forms the rest of the story.