Tollywood Actor Nani’s film Hi Nanna became a decent hit, also bringing in good acclaim on the OTT platform. Now, the film is accused of being copied from a Kannada film, Bheemasena Nalamaharaja. The Producer of the film lambasted the team for remaking the film without acquiring the proper rights. This is now going viral on social media platforms.
The Producer claimed that Hi Nanna resembled his film in many scenes and also put up a story on his official Instagram account tagging Nani. He also compared this as a cheap thing from Nani and opined that Hi Nanna was made without taking remake rights.
This really came as a shocker for many as it is said that the concept dealt with in the Kannada film has resemblance with Hi Nanna. And then it is also argued that the story is different for both films. This Kannada film premiered directly on Amazon Prime Video in 2020 featuring Aravinnd Iyer, Aarohi Narayan, and Priyanka Thimmesh whereas Hi Nanna released in 2023.
So, it now needs to be seen how the makers would respond to these allegations by the Producer. The team must come up with a reasonable response for sure.