Coolie, directed by young star director Lokesh Kanagaraj and starring Superstar Rajinikanth in the lead role, is one of the most hyped projects of Kollywood in the coming days. The film was rumored to have a grand theatrical release on the 2025 Independence Day Weekend, but the latest news is that Coolie gears up for a Diwali release.
The Release Date Shuffles for Coolie
Rajinikanth’s Coolie was initially planned for a May release but to take time for the post-production works, the team moved the release plan to Independence Day weekend. However, recently Thalapathy Vijay’s 69th film, Jana Nayagan which was planned for Diwali release is said to be moving to Pongal 2026 release. Now hearing this news, Coolie gears up for a Diwali release.
The makers of Coolie are said to be planning for a Diwali release. Because, if they release the film on Independence Day weekend the movie has to face stiff competition from all languages. Hrithik Roshan – NTR’s War 2, and other Bollywood films will be released during the August 15th weekend. So, Coolie, which is a pan-India film needs a solo biggie release.
Huge Hopes on Rajini’s Next Two Films
Also, Diwali (Deepavali Festival) is a big festival in Tamil, so the team is thinking that this season would be the perfect release date for them. Rajinikanth has two big films in his hands now, one is Jailer 2 with Nelson, and another one is Coolie with Lokesh. Coolie will be the first one to release in theaters and everyone is expecting it to be the first 1000 Cr grosser for Tamil Cinema.