Controversy has erupted over the release of the trailer of ‘The Kerala Story’ According to the Kerala opposition parties led by Congress, the film has been made with the intention to “sow communal divisions in society through false claims.”
On the other hand, Sudipto Sen the film’s director stated that “The Kerala Story,” which he wrote as well, “unearths” the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of “roughly 32,000 women” in the southern state who have reportedly been converted, and sent on terrorist missions throughout India and the rest of the world.
“Permission should not be given to screen the film which falsely claims that 32,000 women in Kerala have been converted into Islam and became members of ISIS,” a senior Congress leader said.
The trailer which was released last week is shaking the Kerala state and the Congress, party and even the Chief Minister, P Vijayan have lashed out for the exaggerated claims of the movie. The government and several national-level leaders of Congress like Shashi Tharoor have also spoken about the need to ban this movie.
The Kerala Story’ is backed by Sunshine Pictures Private Limited, founded by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, who serves as the producer, creative director and co-writer on the film