Tamil actor Vikram suffered mild chest discomfort on Friday and was rushed to the Kauvery Hospital in Chennai. The actor has now completely recovered and has been discharged from the hospital. As per the official statement released by the Hospital, it was just chest uneasiness and not a heart attack as being claimed by the media.
“Popular Tamil Actor Mr Vikram has been admitted in Kauvery Hospital with complaints of chest discomfort. He was evaluated and treated by our team of specialist doctors. He did not have cardiac arrest. He is currently clinically stable and will be discharged from the hospital soon.” said the hospital in the medical update.
Vikram’s son Dhruv also took to social media to inform the fans on Vikram’s health. He urged them not to believe in any rumours.
“Dear fans and well-wishers, Chiyaan Vikram had mild chest discomfort and is being treated for the same. He DID NOT have a heart attack as reports falsely claim. We are pained to hear rumours to this effect,” said Dhruv in a statement.
Vikram was supposed to attend his upcoming film Ponniyin Selvan’s teaser launch when he had to be hospitalized. Directed by Mani Ratnam, this historical action-adventure film stars Karthi, Aishwarya Rai, Trisha, Jayam Ravi along with several other noted actors.