Marking the auspicious day of Sri Rama Navami, Chitralayam Studios Production has announced its second production. Producer Venu Donepudi has announced this ambitious project chronicling the life of Lord Shri Ram with the film titled ‘Journey To Ayodhya’. Well-known Director VN Aditya is providing the story for this project
Tollywood has no dearth of stories based on Lord Rama. For the past several decades, many filmmakers have told the story of the Maryada Purushottam and many have gone on to become massive hits. Many iconic actors have played the roles of Sita, Rama, Lakshmana, and Anjaneya remarkably.
Now, producer Venu Donepudi is embarking on a journey to bring this mythological epic once again onto the big screen. Headed by VN Aditya, a team is currently performing recce at Ayodhya and other areas to finalize locations. The film’s pre-production works are going on at a rapid pace.
As per reports, a young director is going to helm this project with several renowned actors and technicians slated to be a part of this film. Further details of this ambitious project will be revealed soon. Thammareddy Bharadwaja is supervising the production of this massive pan-India project which will be shot along international standards.
Chitralayam Studios is currently producing its first film along with People Media Factory titled ‘Viswam’ starring Gopichand in Sreenu Vytla’s direction.