After a super-duper hit like Waltair Veerayya, Megastar Chiranjeevi has not announced his new film. Currently, he is working on Bhola Shankar under the direction of Meher Ramesh. This movie was announced long back and will be released on August 11th, 2023. Meanwhile, so many rumors have been emerged about his next film and numerous directors’ names were also said to be in consideration.
However, according to the reports, Chiranjeevi’s next film is confirmed with director Kalyan Krishna and the movie will be produced by Megastar’s daughter Sushmita. It is also being said that the story of the movie also needs a young lead pair and the latest sensational actress Sree Leela said to be almost confirmed and for her opposite role, young hero, DJ Tillu fame Siddhu Jonnalagadda is in consideration for the role. A senior actress is in talks to act opposite Chiranjeevi.
Chiranjeevi has taken a lot of time and heard several scripts after Waltair Veerayya. Along with Kalyan Krishna, he has okayed the Bimbisara director Mallidi Vasishta’s film as well. It is being said that he will work on these two movies simultaneously.
Mallidi Vasishta’s project is expected to be announced officially in a few days. This film will be a socio-fantasy project and will be backed by UV creations. This project fits perfectly in Mega Star’s plans of working with smaller directors with a good track record. He is in no mood to take risk by making big budget movies with Star Directors.