Indian 2 the upcoming directorial of Maverick Director Shankar has completed its shoot part. The film is all set to have its audio launch event on June 1st next month. The event will happen in a grand manner at Nehru Stadium in Chennai. Many dignitaries have already been welcomed for the event. Among them are Tollywood Actor Chiranjeevi and his son, Ram Charan. They both will grace the audio launch along with Tamil Actor Rajinikanth as guests.
The first single of the film, Paaraa has already released and it opened with a positive note as well. Recent Tamil Music sensation, Anirudh Ravichander has composed the tunes for the film. It will be his official collaboration with Director Shankar. The music director event tweeted on his official X account that it was his dream to work with the former and also said that he had waited for this opportunity since he was a kid.
Shankar is currently working for Game Changer starring Ram Charan in Telugu. So the latter was invited along with his dad, Chiranjeevi for the audio launch. Rajinikanth would also appear in the event as he worked with Shankar on a few films. So it will be Kamal Haasan along with these stars in the event.