Tollywood Actor Balakrishna completed 50 years of journey as an Actor in TFI. The Actor started his career as a child artist and continued as one of top stars of Tollywood. The Industry biggies have decided to celebrate this auspicious occasion with an event. Many Industries’ big celebrities were invited to this event. Even Mega Family which continued as professional rivals of Balakrishna were invited. Chiranjeevi was present but Allu Arjun became absent in this Balakrishna’s event.
Allu Arjun was also expected to arrive for the event. But the ongoing differences of Mega Family actors with Allu Arjun have raised to big level recently. Allu Arjun campaigned for his friend who represents YSRCP, the rival party of Pawan Kalyan’s Janasena Party. This has deteriorated the terms within the family. Allu Arjun recently stood firm by saying that he would support anyone he feels necessary. This was taken a direct answer to the trolls and criticism that he faced from Mega Family and fans.
Now both Chiranjeevi and Allu Arjun were officially invited for the event. But Allu Arjun didn’t attend the event with Chiranjeevi participating in it. It is also speculated that he may have skipped the event to avoid facing Chiranjeevi there after these incidents.