Megastar Chiranjeevi recently received the prestigious ANR Award, presented by Amitabh Bachchan, at an event hosted by Nagarjuna. Chiranjeevi expressed profound joy and gratitude, highlighting the unique significance of this award. While he has previously been honored with accolades like the Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan, he emphasized that the ANR Award feels especially personal, likening it to winning at “home” in the Telugu Film Industry.
He shared an emotional connection to the award, referencing the Telugu phrase “Inta Gelichi Racha Gelavatam,” meaning “conquering at home before conquering elsewhere.”
Reflecting on a memorable yet controversial moment, Chiranjeevi mentioned the 2007 Vajrotsavam event, where he was initially awarded the Legendary Award. Although honored, he declined to accept it then, feeling that it had caused division within the industry. To symbolize his commitment, he pledged to place that award in a time capsule until he truly earned the industry’s unified appreciation.
Now, years later, Chiranjeevi feels his journey has come full circle with the ANR Award, which he considers a heartfelt acknowledgement from his peers. Receiving it from Amitabh Bachchan, with Nagarjuna by his side, has given him a deep sense of fulfillment. Chiranjeevi’s heartfelt speech resonated with attendees and fans, as he finally put the Vajrotsavam controversy to rest, honoring both his legacy and the love of his home industry.