Chatrapathi Hindi is now streaming on OTT. It is widely known that the young Tollywood hero Bellamkonda Srinivas made his Bollywood debut with the remake of Prabhas’s Chatrapathi, and he put a lot of hope in this film and expected that it would be a big break for him in Bollywood. Still, the film failed miserably at the box office. Chatrapathi Hindi is now streaming on OTT.
The movie was made on a huge budget, and theatrically, it did not even collect 1Cr share. The movie’s OTT release was supposed to be in August, but it was delayed for unknown reasons, and Chatrapathi Hindi is now streaming on OTT through Amazon Prime Video.
The remake of Chhatrapati marked VV Vinayak’s Bollywood debut as a director. The remake of Chhatrapati, which was made on a budget of around Rs 25 crore, did not even collect 1 Cr share as said above. Bollywood audiences have criticized Bellamkonda Sreenivas for his acting and the soulless narration, which they perceived as outdated.
Nushrat Bharucha played the female lead opposite Bellamkonda Sreenivas in this remake. Bellamkonda Sreenivas sought to capitalize on the Bollywood craze created by his dubbing films on YouTube by releasing the Hindi remake of Chatrapathi in theaters. On May 12, the movie was released in theaters. Despite Bellamkonda Sreenivas’s efforts to promote extensively, the film failed.
SS Rajamouli directed the Telugu version of Chatrapati. It was released in 2005 with Prabhas in the lead role; the film brought double profits to the producers. At that time, it became the highest-grossing movie in Prabhas’ career. Rajamouli has brought the mass hero image to Prabhas with Chatrapathi.