Tollywood made a strong comeback post-Corona lockdown. Many producers were worried about their film business but looking at the Sankranthi 2021 films collections they were completely confident and started announcing their release dates. More than 30 film release dates were announced in February.
Initially, makers were in hurry to block the release dates and many movies are now in a clash at the Box-office. To revert the clash with other biggies makers are now looking for an alternative release date. According to our sources, Narappa which was scheduled to release on 14th May is likely to be preponed to 30th April. As Chiranjeevi’s Acharya is slated for release on 13th May it would be a tough scenario at the Box-office. And Virataparvam which stars Rana and Sai Pallavi may be changing its release date from 30th April to 7th May as both Narappa and Virataparvam are being produced by Suresh Babu under Suresh Productions. An official announcement regarding the change in release dates are yet to be done.