Jai Bhim team heard good news two days back. The team won two awards at Dada Saheb Palke film festival. One for supporting actor Manikandan and another for best film. But now there is a bad news for the team. A case has been filed on Jai Bhim producers Suriya and Jyothika.
Jai Bhim released almost one year ago. The film deals with the injustice faced by the rural tribes. Film critics mentioned it as one of the most important socio-political Tamil movies. Despite the critical acclaim, the film got criticised for hurting the sentiments of the Vanniyars who form a dominant caste segment in Tamil Nadu.
The controversy raised for having a Vanniyar representative symbol on the calendar in police man’s house who tortured the tribal man. The movie is based on real incidents and most of the character names are the real ones. but the name of the police man is changed which again represents the Vanniyar community head. So PMK party filed a petition against Suriya and Jyothika for conceptualising Vanniyars inappropriately. High court now ordered police to file FIR against the producers of Jai Bhim.