A case has been registered against the actor, writer, and director Posani Krishna Murali. He also happens to be the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh Film Development Corporation. The Police have filed a case against him on the orders of the Court. Pawan Kalyan’s Jana Sena Party leaders have lodged a complaint with the Raja Mahendra Varam Police Station over Posani Krishna Murali’s derogatory remarks against Pawan Kalyan.
However, the police did not respond to the matter at first and as a result, Jana Sena Party Leaders approached the Court. The Court heard their arguments and directed the Police to register a case against Posani Krishna Murali.
As per the court’s order, Raja Mahendra Varam Police have booked Posani Krishna Murali. A case has been registered under IPC sections 354, 355, 500, 504, 506, 5007 and 5009. Posani Krishna Murali’s followers are getting into a full-fledged argument on social media with Janasena supporters after a case was registered against him under various sections at the same time. On the other hand, YSRCP Leaders are also making comments that they are angry with Janasena Leaders.
Posani Krishna Murali is a renowned person in the Telugu film industry. Initially, he worked as a writer and kept many people as assistant writers with him and taught them the techniques of writing. Those who worked under Posani have been turned into big directors. It is known that he has recently entered Politics and gained more popularity. Posani Krishna Murali, who is a YSRCP supporter, also got the official post in the Party. Now that a case has been registered against him, it remains to be seen how the YSRCP will react.