Buchi Babu and Ram Charan’s upcoming film has created quite a lot of intrigue with the cast and crew expressing great confidence in the film’s subject. The film was announced long back but due to the delay in Game Changer, RC 16’s shooting was delayed continuously.
The first schedule of this Buchi Babu film was planned for this October. Later it got postponed to December and now it’s said to be postponed again to January/February 2024. AR Rahman has been brought on to compose the tunes here.
While the shoot will start later this year, Buchi Babu is riding high on confidence with his debut film Uppena winning Best Telugu Film at the National Awards.
“My next is with Ram Charan Garu. It is going to be a sure-shot blockbuster; it’s my favorite subject. I’ve been working on it for 4 years, allowing me ample time for its development. The launch and shoot details will be revealed by the producers at the right time. The film is raw and rustic,” said the director.
The film is said to be formed on a budget of 300 Crores which is massive and the unit is in plans to make this a Pan India film, it is a sports-based drama with a village backdrop.