Bro The Avatar, the latest fantasy entertainer directed by actor and director Samuthirakani, and starring Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej was released on July 28th, this Friday on worldwide screens. The film did not have much hype of a star hero’s film before the release because of the normal promotional content, still it had registered decent numbers, but if we look as a whole Bro The Avatar had an ordinary 1St weekend at the box office.
The film has to collect 100 Crores share to become a hit and it has collected close to 56 Crores worldwide share for the 1St weekend. In Telugu states the film has collected more than 45 Crores and for breakeven it has to collect another 35 Crores share, coming to the rest of India, the film’s performance was good but overseas has been the biggest disappointing territory of the film.
Bro The Avatar witnessed a big drop at the overseas after the premier and to achieve breakeven it needs to collect more than 12 Crores share, but the 1st weekend share is less than 6 Crores which is not at all encouraging and the film is expected to get big loss here. We have to wait and see how the film will perform after an ordinary 1St weekend. Today is the most crucial day for the film at the box office.
The team of Bro has opted for the regular G. O ticket prices in both the Telugu states and which is why it is not having any ticket hikes. Moreover, there are no many hires for the film, so the box office numbers not being bigger compared to other big star films is not a shocking thing.