The August month end is giving the Telugu film audiences a grand treat of entertainment. Varun Tej’s Gandeevadhari Arjuna, Kartikeya Gummadikonda’s Bedurulanka 2012 are ready to entertain the movie lovers from tomorrow in the theaters while Pawan Kalyan’s Bro The Avatar and Sai Rajesh’s directorial m, the latest sensational blockbuster Baby both films will be streaming on OTT from tonight.
Vaishnavi Chaitanya and Anand Deverakonda’s Baby, which was released in theaters on July 14th was opened to positive response upon its theatrical release, but it also had a fair share of its controversies as well. However, the film went on to become a massive success at the box office. The movie will be streaming on OTT through Aha Video from tonight 12 AM.
Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej starrer Bro The Avatar which was released in theaters on July 28th, and it is now getting to be available for the OTT streaming from tonight. The film will be streaming on Netflix platform.
Bro movie had received average talk from the family audiences, but many of the public felt that the film was not suitable for a star hero like Pawan Kalyan, and though he entertained as much as he can the audiences felt that the protagonist Sai Dharam Tej was unable to lead the film. That is why the numbers of the film went downhill from the first Monday onwards.