Boyapati Srinu has put a lot of trust and effort into his latest directorial Akhanda. The director has carved out of ordinary action sequences and together with Balayya, he is confident of delivering a resounding hat-trick. The trade circles are also quite confident of the movie’s performance and the pre-release business is proof of that.
However, there is a major discontentment from Boyapati’s side and is leading to clashes with the producers. The film completed its censor yesterday and it has a runtime of 2 hours and 47 minutes 15 seconds. As has been his style, Boyapati has included some heavy-duty action sequences and dialogues.
The censor board has recommended heavy cuts into the movie if the makers need a U/A certificate. The producers are willing to go for cuts and receive and U/A certificate. Boyapati, on the other hand, doesn’t want any major cuts and is comfortable with an A certificate for the film. This difference of opinion is causing a tussle between the producer and director. The mass action entertainer is all set to release on 2nd December.