On Wednesday, producer Abhishek Agarwal announced on his social media that he will donate 10,000 Adipurush tickets. The tickets were reportedly given to students in public schools and to people living in nursing homes and orphanages in Telangana. Now Bollywood Star Hero Ranbir Kapoor also intervened to give his support to this epic, which is based on Ramayana.
Ranbir Kapoor is one of the most trusted actors in the Hindi movie industry and has taken the lead in supporting Adipurush. The actor will be donating 10,000 tickets of the film to underprivileged kids across the country. The actor himself learned a lot from Ramayana in his childhood and now hopes that the children of the present generation learn from Shri Ram’s story.
The 10,000 tickets will be distributed to NGOs across the Hindi belts. Producers of Adipurush confirmed the development to the media, and they are so happy to see a star like Ranbir coming forward to support Adipurush, which is among the costliest Indian films of all time. Talking about Adipurush, the film is made on a gigantic budget of Rs 500 crore and will see a worldwide release in 2D and 3D.
It is interesting to note that Ranbir is preparing himself for the role of Lord Ram in Nitesh Tiwari’s interpretation of the Ramayana with his wife Alia Bhatt as Sita. Ranbir is also gearing up for the release of Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal, which is produced by Bhushan Kumar. The film features him alongside Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, and Rashmika Mandanna in key roles.
Adipurush, the modern adaptation of the epic Ramayana, is directed by Om Raut and produced on a massive scale by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar and Rajesh Nair of Retrophiles. Prabhas will be seen as Lord Ram in the film, while Kriti Sanon appears as Janaki. Sunny Singh plays the role of Lakshman and Deva Dutta Nage plays Lord Hanuman. Bollywood Actor Saif Ali Khan will be seen as Raavan. Adipurush releases in theaters on June 16, 2023.