Bollywood diva Alia Bhat scored two big hits already in 2022. Alia Bhat shined in Bollywood film Gangubhai Kathiawadi and pan India film RRR. After RRR she has an interesting line up as well. But right now she is busy with her wedding with Ranbir Kapoor. It is reported that their wedding will take place in mumbai today.
Alia’s next film is again a pan India release Brahmastra starring Amitabh Bachan, Ranbir Kapoor, Nagarjuna and others. Brahmastra is getting ready to release on 9/9/2022. While asked about her next Telugu movie in RRR promotions, Alia hinted that she is about to sign a film but didn’t reveal much details then. Meanwhile it is heard that the Alia Bhat signed a telugu film with NTR. NTR is collaborating with koratala siva for NTR30.
NTR 30 makers planned to get Alia as she already impressed telugu audience with RRR. But as per the latest info Alia Bhat quits the project due to personal commitments. Alia have hand full of bollywood projects and now she is getting married. In fact adjusting dates for another film will be difficult. So that can be one reason she is dropping off from NTR30. The makers now are trying to rope in another bollywood actress.