Akshay Kumar started filming for his first Marathi film, Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat in Mumbai on Tuesday. The actor will play Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the period film directed by Mahesh Manjrekar. He shared a new video of himself in costume as the legendary Maratha warrior as the first schedule of the film began in Mumbai.
Akshay shared an Instagram post about his first day on set, putting up a photograph of himself with folded hands before Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s portrait.
He wrote, “Aaj Marathi film Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat ki shooting kar raha hoon, jisme Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ji ki bhoomika kar paana mere liye saubhagya hain. Mein unke jeevan se prerna le kar aur maa Jijau ke ashirwad se mera prayas karoonga. Aashirwad banaye rakhiyega”.
Which means today I begin the shoot of Marathi film Vedat Marathe Veer Daudale Sat in which I am blessed to be able to play the role of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ji. I will try to take inspiration from his life as well as the blessings of Mother Jijau for it! Send us your blessings.
However, after his first glimpse came out, it received a heavy backlash from the netizens. They didn’t like Akshay Kumar’s presence as Chatrapati Shivaji, they’re in a feeling that it’s not at all natural.
South Indian audience are trolling Akshay Kumar, and they say that Prabhas or Ram Charan could have been a better choice for the role.
Even the Bollywood audience are too not fond of Akshay Kumar’s look, they are accusing him of spoiling the legendary personality’s image by playing their characters.
The Marathi film further stars Jay Dudhane, Utkarsha Shinde, Vishal Nikam, Virat Madke, Hardik Joshi, Satya, Akshay, Nawab Khan, and Praveen Tarde. Vedat Marathe Veer Daudale Saat, which is produced by Vaseem Qureshi, will release in theatres on Diwali 2023 in Marathi, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.