Nushrratt Bharuccha, the Bollywood actress who went to Israel for the Haifa International Film Festival, has been stuck in the country. Hamas launched multiple rockets from different locations, causing a conflict between Israel and Palestine that is currently causing distress for Israel. Nushrratt’s team has been unsuccessful in contacting and tracking her since then.
As per the Bollywood media, Nushrratt was in the basement with everyone during the last conversation between the actor and his team in the afternoon. There has not been any kind of communication or information about her since then. As we write this article, there is latest news that the actress has reached the airport and will board a flight soon, but still, there is no official confirmation regarding the same.
The thriller drama Akeli, directed by Pranay Meshram, was where the 38-year-old actor last appeared on-screen. Her role in the film was that of an ordinary Indian girl who gets trapped in a combat zone and struggles to come out safely.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s Prime Minister, urged Gaza residents to flee as his defense forces sought to take the ‘deadliest revenge’ for the over 300 Israelis killed by Hamas during the ongoing distress.