It’s a proud moment for India as Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is named presenter of the 2023 Oscars. On Thursday night, Deepika picked up Instagram and shared a post with all the presenters’ names. The list also includes Dwayne Johnson, Michael B. Jordan, Riz Ahmed, Emily Blunt, Glenn Close, Troy Kotsur, Dwayne Johnson, Jennifer Connelly, Samuel L. Jackson, Melissa McCarthy, Zoe Saldana, Donnie Yen, Jonathan Majors and Quest love.
Deepika’s comment section was filled with congratulatory greetings as soon as she posted the photo of the Oscar presenter list. Deepika’s husband, Ranveer, dropped a number of emoticons in the comments section.
The 95th Academy Awards will take place on March 12th (March 13th IST) at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. It’s a special year for India at the Oscars. Shaunak Sen’s All That Breathes has been nominated for Best Documentary Feature Film and Guneet Monga’s The Elephant Whisperers for Best Documentary Short.
SS Rajamouli’s Action Epic RRR has scored a nomination in the Best Original Song category for ‘Naatu Naatu’, which won the Golden Globe Award in the same category earlier this year. SS Rajamouli, MM Keeravani, Ram Charan will attend the award ceremony. Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairava will perform the Oscar nominated song at the ceremony.