Tamil Actor, Bobby Simha played a pivotal role in recently released Indian 2. He acted as the son of Nedumudi Venu who was a key actor in Indian. He, in a recent interview slammed critics who gave low reviews for Indian 2. Bobby Simha also said that they were just fools. This has shocked everyone now.
Interviewer asked Bobby Simha about the reception of Indian 2 to which the Actor reacted in the above way. This didn’t go well with some audiences and netizens. They say that Indian 2 has already become a big disaster but Bobby Simha still feels that there was nothing wrong about Indian 2. They also feel that the Actor must understand the reality and not criticize others for the result.
On the other hand, Indian 2 is staring towards a big disastrous result. The film is heading nowhere and will end up as a nightmare for all the parties involved. There is a continuation part, Indian 3 in the line up. No one knows what Shankar and team would do about that. Shankar also has Game Changer in the line up. The film has also completed its shoot and is ready for release. We have to see which film comes first and gives a relief for Shankar.