Sai Dharam Tej has scored a blockbuster with his latest release, Virupaksha. The film has received terrific openings and it showed good hold at the box office after opening weekend and it is on the way to become the biggest hit in Sai Dharam Tej’s career. Now the film is releasing in Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi languages.
The makers have shared this news on social media today. In Hindi, Virupaksha will be released by Goldmines Telefilms, and in Tamil it will be released by Studio Green Production House. E4 Entertainment movies will release Virupaksha in Malayalam language. Though the makers have not disclosed the release date of Virupaksha in other languages, it is almost certain that it will be released on May 5th.
Virupaksha story is set in the mystic village Rudravanam where Surya comes with his mother to meet his family. He falls in love with Nandini. Love starts to start blossom between them but suddenly the village people get killed one by one in suspicious circumstances. Surya starts chasing the mystery behind the mysterious deaths of the village. How does he gets to solve this mystery is what forms the rest of the story.
This movie has an ensemble cast of Sai Dharam Tej, Samyuktha Menon, Ajay, Rajeev Kanakala, Sai Chand, Brahmaji and Sunil. It was released in theaters on April 21st,2023. Virupaksha is directed by Karthik Dandu and is produced by BVSN Prasad under the banners of Sri Venkateshwara Cine Chitra and Sukumar Writings. B Ajaneesh Lokanath composed music for the film.