Recently released Malayalam Blockbuster Premalu‘s OTT release date has been announced. The film will stream on OTT giant, Disney+Hotstar on March 29th, 2024. The film drew everyone’s attention with its refreshing youth aura. It became a sleeper hit thereby a blockbuster by grossing more than 100 crores worldwide.
What is more interesting is the film doing exceptionally well even in the Telugu Language. It grossed more than 10 crores worldwide in the Telugu version alone and is also on its way to crossing the 20 crores mark by this weekend. This will be great news for all the parties involved here. Director Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya distributed the film in Telugu after its phenomenal success in the Malayalam language. He even announced that he would be venturing into the production department with the success of Premalu here in the Telugu states.
Premalu initially suffered with mouth talk but picked up the momentum afterward. It majorly suffered the competition with direct Telugu movie releases, Bhima and Gaami. But both didn’t quite perform well and this became a great advantage for Premalu which used it very well. So, Premalu still has 8 more days to perform in the theatres before its OTT release.