A biopic on ace director Dasari Narayana Rao has been announced. According to reports, Davala Satyam will be directing the Dasari biopic which is titled Darsaka Ratna while Thadivaka Ramesh will be producing it under the Image Films banner.
Tollywood has been experimenting with biopics for the last few years. Movies such as ‘Mahanati’ and NTR Kathanayakudu’ released during this time portraying the life of Savitri and NTR respectively. The trend of biopics has been prevalent in Bollywood for quite some time.
Dasari Narayana Rao has directed more than one hundred and fifty feature films in a career spanning more than four decades. While it is not clear who will be playing the role of the legendary director, it is being rumored that a big known face will be playing the titular role.
Apart from being a visionary director, he was also a terrific actor. His many-fold talents also included directing, producing, screenwriting and songwriting. In an illustrious career, Dasari Narayana Rao directed over 150 films. He’s also a recipient of 3 National Film Awards and 9 Nandi Awards.
The film will go on floors soon and the rest of the cast and crew will be announced in due time.