Bigg Boss Telugu 7 winner prize details have been revealed. In the latest Sunday episode, the host of the show, Nagarjuna, told the housemates the details of the prize money. Eight contestants were in the house in Bigg Boss Telugu 7 when the Sunday episode was telecasted last night.
Nagarjuna revealed how much prize money these eight will get if they win, as they are close to the finals. He asked what the housemates would do with that prize money. Many of the contestants became emotional while narrating their dreams. However, Nagarjuna revealed that the Bigg Boss season 7 winner will get prize money and some more costly gifts as well.
Along with the 50 lakhs cash prize, a Maruthi Suzuki Breeze Car and a 15 Lakhs diamond necklace will be given to the winner of the Bigg Boss. The contestants revealed their plans with a cash prize if they won.
Pallavi Prashanth said he would donate the money to poor people and farmers. Shobha Shetty said she would clear the loan on her house, while Shivaji said he has no plans now and will reveal them after winning the trophy.
Priyanka Jain and Amardeep Chaudhary said they would buy a house for their parents. Gautam Krishna (eliminated contestant) said he would deposit money in her mother’s account and volunteer to retire from a government job.
Arjun Ambati stated that as a new family member comes to his house, he will keep some money for the new member and spend some cash for charity work and his niece.