Rathika’s elimination appears confirmed this week in Bigg Boss Telugu 7. It is widely known that the small-time actress and Insta celebrity Rathika Rose got the opportunity to enter the big boss for the second time after getting eliminated at the first attempt
The management of Bigg Boss Telugu tried to bring in some content with the Ulta Pulta theme and brought Rathika back into the house. However, she failed to attract the viewers this time and is reportedly trailing at last in last week’s nominations.
Rathika Rose’s elimination is confirmed this week as she is at the last position in all unofficial polls. Excluding Shivaji, Prince Yawar, Gautam Krishna, Bhole Shavali, and Rathika, all are said to be trailing at the same range with a difference of 1 – 2%, and Rathika is said to be the last one.
For all the other contestants, the family members coming to the house and the emotional moments will help them in voting. But Rathika’s family members have yet to come. Maybe the management of Bigg Boss also felt that as she got a second chance, her family members should arrive at the last.
If Rathika’s family members come in the Friday episode, it will be useless to her. So, Rathika Rose is almost confirmed to be eliminated this week.