In Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Rathika Rose is said to be safe, and shockingly, Bhole Shavali is said to be eliminated in the 10th week. After watching the gameplay of Rathika after her re-entry, most people believed she would be eliminated this week, but as per the latest reports, Rathika was safe this week, too.
Reportedly, she is at the second last place in unofficial polls. Bhole got the least votes, but the difference between the both is said to be very small. So, as he got fewer votes, Bhole was said to be eliminated. Shivaji is said to have become the new captain of the house.
There were 14 contestants at the beginning of Bigg Boss Telugu 7. After that, five others entered the house through a wild card. Kiran Rathod in the first week, Shakeela in the second week, Damini in the third week, Ratika in the fourth week, Subhashree in the fifth week, Nayani in the sixth week, Pooja in the seventh week, Sandeep in the eighth week and Tasty Teja in the ninth week were eliminated.
In Bigg Boss Telugu 7, this week’s nomination process was fascinating. The tenth week’s nomination process went on very smoothly. Bhole Shawali, Prince Yawar, Ratika Rose, Shivaji, and Gautam Krishna were nominated for the task, which went on with the concept of the royal mothers and the common people.
Shivaji stood at the top position in this week’s unofficial voting. It was learned that there had been unexpected changes in all the other positions. At the end of the polling, Prince Yavar was in second place. At the same time, the other contestants were very close in the voting with a little difference in the percentage.