In the 79th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, the main highlight was an intense argument between Gautam Krishna and Pallavi Prashanth. Gautam also argued with Shivaji, while Rathika Rose had big arguments with Amar and Prashanth.
Before that, the 79th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 started with the housemates having fun with the new captain, Priyanka Jain, and new rules in the kitchen. After that, the most important segment of the episode, the Nomination process, started, and as usual, the captain of the house, Priyanka Jain, was exempted from the nominations.
Amardeep Chaudhary nominated Prince Yawar, and they had a big argument regarding the foul game in tasks. Amar also selected Rathika Rose. Yawar was involved in between when Amar and Rathika were arguing.
Gautam Krishna nominated Pallavi, Prashanth, and Shivaji. Gautam had an intense argument with Pallavi Prashanth and Shivaji.
Rathika Rose nominated Amardeep Chaudhary and Pallavi Prashanth and argued with both of them. Arjun Ambati nominated Prince Yawar and Shivaji.
After that, in the 79th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Pallavi Prashanth nominated Gautam Krishna and Rathika Rose. Prashanth and Gautam argued heavily during the nomination process. At the end of the 79th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, BB nominated Ashwini because she did not nominate anyone in the house.