In the 102nd episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Prince Yawar and Pallavi Prashanth cried very much as he watched the video of his journey in the house. Bigg praised Yawar for his fighting spirit and truthfulness, while he appreciated Prashanth for not giving up on all his challenges in the journey.
Prince Yawar gets the best journey video in this season
Before that, the 102nd Episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 started with Prince Yawar being called by Bigg Boss, and the title song of Temper was played in the background. BB praised Yawar, saying that everyone likes his quality of being ready to work hard for anything he wants. Prince Yawar cried heavily as he could not control his emotions and thanked Bigg Boss. Yawar’s journey was filled with many highly inspiring moments.
After that, Pallavi Prashanth was thrilled to see the photos of his journey in the garden area in the 102nd episode of Bigg Boss. Especially he got emotional after seeing his father’s photo. Later in the activity area, Bigg Boss spoke about Prashanth in a big way.
Pallavi Prashanth, the fighter
“Our bond with the soil is inseparable. You entered this house like a commoner. You never hesitated to spill your blood to win the tasks by taking advantage of every opportunity. You’ve found friendship here in the form of different people. Every time you are depressed, that friendship has shown you that crying is not enough to remind you of your goal. You showed everyone another Prashant in the nominations, which has put you here as a strong contender.
Every drop of water slips from the sky is an opportunity for life on Earth. Success is the skill of handling it.” Prashant was overjoyed when Bigg Boss said this.