In the 71St Episode of Bigg Boss Telugu season 7, the Diwali (Deepavali) festival was celebrated in a grand manner. This special episode was filled celebrities’ guest appearances. Actress Kajal Aggarwal, Vaishnav Tej, Sree Leela, Director Buchi Babu, Comedian Hyper Aadi came as guests. At the end of the 71St Episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Bhole Shavali was eliminated.
There were also special dances performances by Ritika Singh and Faria Abdullah in the 71St Episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7.
Also, the family members of the contestants also came on to the Bigg Boss stage. They talked to their family members and Nagarjuna also made every contestant safe from their family members. Comedian Hyper Aadi showered his mark punches on the contestants and everyone laughed at his punches.
Vaishnav Tej and Sree Leela, who played the lead roles in the film, Aadikeshava came as chief guests in the 71St episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 as chief guests for the promotions of the film. Sree Leela danced to the song Leelammo as asked by host Nagarjuna.
After that, Hyper Aadi came by wearing the Team India’s jersey and with the cricket bat in his hand. Aadhi said that Nagarjuna does not like ladies in the first half of Manmadhudu and the female contestants got eliminated in the first half of this season. He stated that Tasty Teja was like a best bowler and six people were eliminated for the silly balls he bowled during the nominations. Aadhi then told that Shivaji had Teja by bowling the same silly ball.
Finally, in the 71St episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Prince Yawar and Bhole Shavali were left in the nominations and Bhole Shavali was eliminated. He sang a song while he was leaving the house.