On the 49th day of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, the weekend analysis of Nagarjuna and Shivaji’s health discussion were the big moments. Nagarjuna called Shivaji to the confession room and asked about his health and Shivaji stated that he was feeling weak because of his pain in his hand and wanted to go to the house. Nagarjuna then stated that Shivaji’s health will be taken care of, and he said he will arrange physio as well.
Before that, as usual, Nagarjuna came on to the stage with dancing to a song on the weekend episode. At first, he had a bit of fun time with the crowd and then saw the Friday’s episode on Mana TV. In the captaincy task, Sandeep and Arjun were the final contenders and Arjun won the ultimate task and became the captain of the house.
Then Nagarjuna appeared before the housemates on TV, and he had a bit of fun time with Tasty Teja regarding him not agreeing to get the tattoo of Shobha Shetty. After that, Nag congratulated Arjun Ambati as he became the captain and after that, he asked the housemates how good Prince Yawar was as a captain. Unanimously, the house voted for him as the best captain.
Nag also asked Shobha why she did not complain to the bigg boss when Amar ate the cake which had her name on her. Nag told that Shobha put the whole house in danger by not complaining to the bigg boss regarding the cake. Then Nagarjuna revealed that he played a prank on the housemates and congratulated Amar on his game play.
After that situation got a bit serious as Nagarjuna analyzed the game of the housemates, and especially he warned Bhole because of his wrong behavior with Priyanka and Shobha Shetty. He also stated even Priyanka’s behavior was a bit wrong.
Nagarjuna then explained Prashanth that he was not correct with the way he behaved during the argument with Sandeep. Nag warned Prashanth to be careful when accusing the other person. Also, Nagarjuna told Sandeep to not get emotional during the arguments.
At the end of the 49th day of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Nagarjuna made the housemates play the game of Snake and ladders and everyone stated their opinions on the others. Arjun Ambati and Shivaji were mostly selected by the others as ladders, while the latter also got more votes as Snake.