Today’s episode started with the contestants having numerous discussions about the coins and strategies. Amardeep, Shobha, Priyanka had discussed Shivaji’s unlimited support to Prashanth and Yawar. Sandeep was not happy with Yawar eating rotis outside the house and making the other contestants suffer, especially Prashanth who was not feeling well.
Prince Yawar did you understand the point of Sandeep, and he left the plate in the Kitchen itself. Sandeep and Yawar had a heated argument, while Shivaji came to support Yawar. Shivaji and Shobha also had a heated argument.
Shobha was not okay with Shivaji pointing out the names of the public everywhere, and she said he constantly tried to drag the issues. After that, Yawar was the first contestant to press the buzzer. After that, the Bigg Boss appreciated Yawar for pressing the buzzer faster than the other contestants and said he went a level ahead in the challenge.
Bigg Boss instructed Yawar to fill a short glass with his by his tears by laughing or crying. He also stated that Yawar will get all the points from the losing contenders as well. Shobha, Shivaji, and Sandeep were the Sanchaalaks while Yawar chose Prashanth as his partner and Amardeep and Gautam as his opponents. Finally, Yawar and Prashanth were declared as the winners of the task.
Then bigg boss instructed Yawar and Prashanth to take the coins from the losing contenders. Yawar had a total of 118 coins with him and Prashanth had 110 coins. While Priyanka had 41 coins, Subhashree 31. Then bigg boss announced Prashanth and Yawar as the contenders for the fourth Power Astra task which will provide a 2-week immunity upon winning.
Then, the contestants performed a special task given by bigg boss by wearing different getups in the activity area.