Bigg Boss Telugu has completed 3 seasons successfully and now gearing up for its 4th season. Bigg Boss last season’s were hosted by Tollywood star actors NTR, Nani, and Nagarjuna. Season 4 of Bigg Boss is also likely to be hosted by King Nagarjuna.
There were many speculations about the show as the Telangana is recording high positive cases and even a few studios getting infected. Keeping full stop to all these baseless rumors Star Maa management has officially released the Bigg Boss 4 logo click. Background score which was talk of the town was scored by Tollywood music director Mani Sharma. The team has started the groundwork of selecting contestants and erecting the Bigg Boss house set.
With passable leaks about the contestant names, there is no official statement regarding the show start date and names of contestants. According to our close reports, the team of Bigg Boss is planning to start the show from mid-August with all the primitive measures. This season has high chances to hold record TRP’s as audiences have been looking for entertainment during these times.