The veteran filmmaker Mani Ratnam and the legendary actor Kamal Haasan will reunite after a 36-year gap on their next film. The actor-director who formerly worked together on the 1987 released cult classic film Nayakan announced their upcoming collaboration last year. The project that will mark Kamal Haasan’s 234th outing in the film industry has been tentatively named KH 234. As per the latest update, the casting of the Mani Ratnam directorial has reached its final stages and popular stars Dulquer Salmaan, Trisha Krishnan, and Jayam Ravi might join the star cast.
According to the latest reports from industry insiders, pan-Indian star Dulquer Salmaan and popular Tamil actor Jayam Ravi are in talks to play the important roles in KH 234. Although the makers have not responded to these reports yet, the rumor suggests that both actors are almost ready to be part of the film’s star cast.
The project will mark both Jayam Ravi and Dulquer Salmaan’s second collaboration with director Mani Ratnam, after the blockbuster Ponniyin Selvan franchise, and OK Kanmani, respectively. KH 234 will also mark both the actors’ first onscreen association with Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan.
The upcoming project, which is expected to be a thriller, will be written and directed by Mani Ratnam himself. AR Rahman, the Oscar Academy Award-winning musician, will compose songs and the original score for KH 234. Kamal Haasan, Mani Ratnam, G Mahendran, and Siva Ananth will jointly produce the movie under the prestigious banners Raaj Kamal Films International and Madras Talkies. In a couple of weeks, there will be a massive update on the project that will be revealed.