Akhil Akkineni’s Agent film’s distributor, Gayatri Satish ‘s name has been in the headlines of Telugu film media for a few days. Now he has got a big setback because of his decision to approach the court seeking his compensation. Here comes the twist, the Telugu Film Producer’s Guild has chosen not to grant distribution rights to Gayatri Satish going forward for any film, due to his decision to take legal action against producer Anil Sunkara
Agent distributor Gayatri Satish filed a petition on producer Anil Sunkara recently. According to him, he bought the entire Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka rights for 30Cr NRA and only 1.5Cr recovered and the producer had sold Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar to another distributor without informing him. So he moved to the court demanding the compensation amount.
The court received a Memorandum of Understanding and Letter of Undertaking from Satish. It had been signed by Garikipati Krishna Kishore from Anil Sunkara Society. He requested a delay in Bhola Shankar’s release, but the court did not accept his request. According to Anil Sunkara’s team, it was a forgery document.
Meanwhile, the Guild has been made aware of the matter. Reportedly, All of its members have been instructed not to give distribution rights to any films to Vizag Satish.
At the same time, the court has not rejected one of Satish’s numerous petitions. Even after getting a big setback by the Guild, Satish affirms his faith in the legal system and will proceed with the legal battle. We will have to see what happens next.