For a while now Bollywood has been facing a lot of backlash from the audiences. The Hindi Film Industry has been struggling to entertain audiences. Most of the releases have been complete washouts at the box office. But, if there is any film that has the potential to create a storm for Bollywood, it is Brahmastra.
Brahmastra is releasing in all 5 languages and therefore, the team has planned big events for all languages. There was recently supposed to be a pre-release event for Brahmastra in Hyderabad. But in a shocking turn of events, the event has been canceled.
The pre-release event was planned grandly with JR.NTR as the chief guest but due to the lack of police permission, the event was canceled. Instead, the makers decided to have a press meet with NTR as the chief guest. This is a huge loss for the makers as more than 2 crores were spent on the event.
There are multiple reasons as to why Brahmastra was denied permission. Firstly, the police stated that it would cause a massive disturbance to Ganesha devotees as it was the third day of the procession. Secondly, the police were given short notice and hence couldn’t gather a large police force.
They also used previous examples of Radhe Shyam and Sahoo where the police were outnumbered by the mob due to a lack of ground rules. Many sections of the IPC were filed against the makers as well. A grand pre-release event in Hyderabad could have greatly helped the film but the buzz is still high for sure.
Brahmastra stars Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bacchan, Nagarjuna, Mouni Roy, and Shah Rukh Khan in an extended cameo. Ayan Mukherji is the director of the film and Karan Johar is the producer of the project.