Allu Arjun celebrates his birthday on the 8th of April this month. He has Pushpa 2: The Rule in the pipeline. The shooting for the same is also happening at a brisk pace. There was news that one of his releasing films, Arya 2 would be re-releasing as a birthday gift for his fans. But it is learned that the film will not have a special show and this is indeed a big disappointment for the fans on Allu Arjun’s Birthday.
But there would be another gift for his fans in the form of a Teaser. Pushpa 2: The Rule teaser would release on his birthday. This has officially been announced by the team and Allu Arjun. Fans and Audiences throughout the country have been waiting for this for many days. Pushpa franchise enjoys great fandom in the country with its mannerisms and songs already becoming a cult phenomenon. Now fans expect it would be doubled after the film’s release.
Allu Arjun recently received a National Award for Best Actor for his performance in Pushpa: The Rise. He also had a wax statue in Madame Tussauds, Dubai with his Pushpa style. So, this birthday would be very special for him and his fans as well.