Allu Arjun’s Pushpa has already announced its release date long back. The makers of this action thriller after much deliberations zeroed in on 17th December as the date of release. However, now they are caught in a precarious position.
The crux of the problem is Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Acharya. This Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan starter was also slated for a December release. Allu Arjun’s Pushpa had also fixed December as its release and refused to postpone their date. This was why Acharya had to settle for a 4th February as its release.
However, with just over a month to go for December 17th, Pushpa’s shoot is still pending across major portions. In the present scenario, if Pushpa postpones its release, this might rub Chiranjeevi off as he had postponed Acharya for the sake of Pushpa’s December release.
The team of Pushpa had actually planned for a teaser on Diwali. However, with large portions pending, the unit chose to focus on the movie’s completion first. Now, team Pushpa is left with only two options. The first is hurrying with the movie shoot and completing the shooting and post-production at an express speed. The second is pacifying Chiranjeevi and postponing its own release.