The first song from Megastar Chiranjeevi’s upcoming movie Bhola Shankar was released yesterday by the makers on Sunday. With the tagline Bhola Mania, the first single was released by music director, Devi Sri Prasad. The music composer and singer tweeted that it’s an honour for him to launch the song. “Wishing this song by my dear brother Sagar Mahati to take everyone by storm. Thammudu…Just Do Kummudu,” tweeted Devi Sri Prasad.
After the song, Bhola Mania was out on social media, and it is receiving good response from everyone. The song has good beats, choreography and nice lyrics, and it has all the elements of a pure mass number. Now the team is in plans to release the teaser in this month only as the film is getting closer to the release date. This morning they also released the lyrical sheet of the song.
Bhola Shankar team started the promotions aggressively. The works on the teaser has started, and we can expect teaser in this month, may be on the last week of June.
The makers recently completed a song shoot in Switzerland, featuring Chiranjeevi and Tamannaah Bhatia. The cast also includes Keerthy Suresh, Sushanth, Raghu Babu, Murali Sharma, Ravi Shankar, Vennela Kishore, Tulasi, Sri Mukhi, Bithiri Sathi, Satya, Getup Srinu, Rashmi Gautam and Uttej.
Bhola Shankar is an official remake of the Tamil blockbuster Vedalam, which starred Ajith Kumar in the lead role. Meher Ramesh is the director of the movie. AK Entertainments is producing Bhola Shankar together with Creative Commercials. The music for the film has been composed by Mahathi Swara Sagar, and Dudley is the director of photography. The film is slated to be released on August 11th, 2023.