Bheemla Nayak starring Pawan Kalyan and Rana Daggubati did very well on opening day and had a strong weekend at box-office too. The film suffered later with no repeat audience. It crumbled on weekdays totally losing sheen on second weekend. The film has managed to collect nearly 90 cr share in 11 days. The entire theatrical business is valued at 107.6 crs. Now the film as it looks is about to lose 20 crore because of the political reasons too.
Pawan Kalyan started to have a direct war with the ruling AP government. He openly criticized the government wherever he had gone. Be that a political event or any filmy event. The government came up with a G.O on regulating high ticket prices. This has not gone well with film celebrities too. Celebrities like Chiranjeevi, Mahesh Babu, Prabhas met AP CM Jagan in person and had requested him to hike the ticket prices to support their big budget films. Government had even promised them on this telling a new G.O. would be released during February’s final week.
Makers of Bheemla Nayak surprisingly came up with the release of the film on February 25 suddenly. Government on the other hand didn’t release any G.O. regarding ticket hike. The G.O. was released yesterday but Bheemla Nayak’s run has almost ended up at the box-office as of now. Radhe Shyam is about to release in 3 days. If the G.O. had come earlier Bheemla Nayak would have got 20 cr more. Pawan Kalyan’s political war is costing his films badly. The makers of his films too are not having any word with the Government which is surprising. It is better for makers to have good talks with Government.