Balakrishna’s Bhagvanth Kesari directed by Anil Ravipudi is slated for release on 19th October. Balayya is on a hit streak at the box-office with his last two films Veera Simha Reddy and Akhanda emerging as massive hits. Now all eyes are on Bhagavanth Kesari and the fans are sincerely praying for a hat-trick.
Coming to the film’s story, a rumour was floated on social media that Balayya’s Bhagavanth Kesari’s story has been inspired from Harikrishna’s film Swamy which released in 2004. This news was however immediately denied by the production house Shine Screen, who clarified that this is a false report bringing much relief to Balayya fans.
Directed by Anil Ravipudi, this mass entertainer will have all the commercial aspects to satisfy the fans along with his trademark humour elements. Bhagvanth Kesari will have a Telangana backdrop and will feature Balayya in a never-before avatar. Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi are producing this movie under the Shine Screens banner.
While Kajal will play the lead opposite Balayya, Sree Leela will be playing the senior actor’s daughter role. Bhagvanth Kesari is said to be high on action and emotions and will have enough fun elements as well in typical Anil Ravipudi style as well. The film is slated to release on 19th October