Directed by Anil Ravipud, Bhagavanth Kesari took a slight jump over day 2 in Telugu states. On its 3rd day, the film collected around 6Cr share worldwide which takes the total 3 days share to approx 30.5Cr. With festive days approaching, this Balayya starter needs to record a significant jump to ensure a comfortable breakeven.
This Dasara saw the release of three high-profile movies in the form of Balakrishna’s Bhagavanth Kesari, Ravi Teja’s Tiger Nageswara Rao, and Vijay’s Leo. All three films featured high-octane action sequences and the leading stars of all these movies were shown in quite a refreshing manner.
Vijay’s Leo, which got off to an outstanding opening in all territories is now maintaining strong numbers in Tamil Nadu. Kerala and other areas are not going that strong due to the mixed WOM which is hindering the movie from putting up big numbers. As per the 3rd-day early estimates, the Worldwide gross is 70Cr+ so the total 3-day gross is close to 285Cr.
Tiger Nageswara Rao saw a major drop on day 2 for the noon shows but the night shows posted good numbers. The Ravi Teja starrer needs a big jump from here on. The 2 day worldwide share is in the range of 8Cr and needs it requires a massive push. With the film playing a trimmed version from today, the makers are expecting to see some good numbers with better WOM