Bhagavanth Kesari was released on Thursday aiming to create great impact at the box office with Dasara around the corner. The combination of Anil Ravipudi and Balakrishna has created a good buzz and with Balakrishna’s current form the movie has done good business and the booking trend is good as well.
The film’s emotional content and strong action also add to the film’s strength. The film received largely positive word of mouth and the audience’s approval.
The two days worldwide collections stand at 24.33 Crs. Bhagavanth Kesari has recovered 1/3 in 2 days and the festival weekend started today expected to maintain the same hold or grow much more from here.
Starring Balakrishna and Kajal Agarwal in the lead with Sreeleela playing a key role, the film’s emotional content and strong action also add to the film’s strength. The film received largely positive word of mouth and the audience’s approval. Theatrical business is valued at around Rs 70Cr including GST.