Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas, son of Producer Bellamkonda Suresh made a mark for himself in Tollywood. But he didn’t score a proper hit in the recent years. All his films got flopped at the box office. He even tried testing his luck with the Hindi remake of Chatrapathi but it too had bombed miserably. Now, Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas’ next film is planned as a Mega Budget Thriller. The film is also tentatively titled BSS12.
The poster of the film has been released today. It shows Sai Sreenivas staring at a temple in a forest. This depicts that the film will be on the lines of a social fantasy thriller. The film is said to be in the backdrop of 400 year old temple. It is written and directed by Ludheer Byreddy and produced by Mahesh Chandu under Moonshine Pictures banner.
Cast details of the film are yet to be out. The film is also said to be planned as a summer release next year i.e.,2025. Sai Sreenivas is aiming to score a big hit with this film. This film will also see a release in all the noted languages of the country. Let’s all wish the best for Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas.